Want to be a woman who grows beyond the story of “not being good enough”?
and discover the confidence to do what is right for you!?
To the woman who wants to end the cycle of uncomfortable emotions and confusing symptoms
I see you doing the best you know how, and I'm certain it’s because
- You want to feel calm and at peace in your body, experiencing confident thoughts as your norm
- You want to back yourself and feel clear in your choices
- You not only want to set boundaries, but also follow through on them & feel good afterwards
- You want to fall asleep with ease so that you wake each morning feeling energised & excited about the day ahead
But to achieve all that, you need practical tools for healing the nervous system
The kind that help you master self sabotage, resistance & emotional intelligence
That give you strategies for connection based communication, and boundaries that stick
So that you have the confidence to know you’re doing it right, living life as the real you and feeling progress.
This is what’s going to help you to feel calm and at peace with who you are.
The thing is ..
While you crave to show up as the real you, you are paralysed by the fear of rejection, and you resort to coping mechanisms like overthinking, people pleasing and staying stuck in the safe and familiar.
You’re creating moments of feeling more in control, but that’s because you’re making choices to impress others, keep the peace and avoid potential conflict.
Because you’re rarely able to follow through on your boundaries, you’re exhausted from being left with the only other option - trying to micromanage, control and perfect your external environments and performance.
You’re doing your absolute best, but f*ck it’s feeling hard !!!
If only there was a way to feel progress and confidence that you’re moving in the right direction.. and even better… being surrounded by other women who just ‘get you’
I found my real & confident self, and I’ve since helped hundreds of other women do the same.
Let me introduce you to

A 4 month (or longer) coaching experience where you recieve weekly 1:1 coaching in an intimately sized group. It's for women who want to grow beyond the story of “not being good enough” and discover the confidence to do what is right for them, instead of what they think they have to do to be loved by others
And the sooner you prioritise these life skills,
the sooner you reclaim your time and energy for the things that light you up inside! (like your relationships and dating, starting the new business, or time outdoors adventuring)
I created this program from my own real life ROCK BOTTOM ..
In 2015 I was at the peak of a health crisis.
I was blacking out from panic attacks, in a deep dark hole of depression, my gut and hormone health was an absolute mess (constipation, SIBO, food allergies, painful and often missing periods, eczema, adult acne) and I was so Chronically Fatigued that I needed a wheelchair to make it out of the house on my rare “good days”.
I was unable to work, surrounded by unhealthy codependent relationships, and exhausted from something as basic as walking from the bedroom to the bathroom.
I was drowning; emotionally, physically and financially.
Despite years in traditional therapy, an in-patient hospital stay and a strong yoga practice, I’d never felt so trapped in my life - but I refused to give up.
I stopped limiting my focus to WHY there was so much emotional discomfort and chronic illness in my life, and fully committed to learning WHAT I could do about it
And when I look back on some of my proudest achievements since then …
… Making major life decisions with ease and confidence (like starting my own online business, relocating interstate to a warm sunny climate, traveling overseas solo, leaving a misaligned long term relationship in my 30’s)
… Attracting bucketloads of healthy relationships where my boundaries are not only respected, they are celebrated
… Creating rock solid physical health, where my body is no limit to my goals and I fall asleep in less than 5 minutes each night
… Changing my habits with money so I have a clear financial plan, multiple savings accounts, investments and zero credit cards
… it's clear there are three key areas that contributed the MOST to these results:
And that’s why I'm in my 7th year, completely OBSESSED with with implementing, testing and refining strategies in those three key areas to ensure my clients are working with the subconscious root cause of their problems, practicing self connection with ease, and creating relationships where they are celebrated for being their real self.
who now sets really clear boundaries in a loving way - while feeling a huge sense of confidence within herself and her decision making
Here’s the 3 step framework I personally used to heal my discomfort, and that my clients use too:
Step 1:
First, we’ll clarify the precise facts of your current reality that are hard to look at (the ones you’d rather ignore by sweeping under the rug) and the subconscious programming that is creating resistance against what you want most and that ultimately leaves you in a perpetual cycle of people-pleasing
Step 2:
Next, we’ll create strategies and habits that will help you to build your confidence in navigating painful emotions and life’s uncertainties so that your nervous system learns to feel calm and safe as you follow through on courageous choices that reflect the real you
Step 3:
Finally, with the foundations created in step 1 and 2, I’ll provide you with the tools to anchor into the knowing of who you are so that you’re able to have honest conversations and set boundaries that stick without being swayed by another’s judgment, opinion or feelings of guilt.
Because I understand first hand what it is like to feel stuck in constant states of anxiety,
fear and isolation, all while feeling like you’re not capable of changing it,
I also know how important it is to use proven strategies and develop life long skills.
THIS is what’s led me to live life feeling calm and at peace with who I am..
Here’s a look at what you get inside this 4 month journey:
- 16 x weekly 90 minute coaching calls bring your own question and receive 1:1 individualised coaching and a personalised plan forwards, so that you feel supported and clear on your next steps. (14 or less other women)
- Unlimited “Ask Gemma Anything” inside our private community. Get support in real time, and be celebrated in your vulnerability and wins so that any overwhelm or confusion is cleared up within 24 hours - we want to keep your momentum flowing in between calls.
- Weekly accountability in our private chat where you’re guided to set your weeks up with clarity to your highest priorities so that you stay engaged, motivated and clear on your immediate next steps (instead of being overwhelmed by how far away the end goal feels)
- LIVE guest coaching session with a leader in their field on a topic of high demand so that you’re exposed to the mind and skills of a second leading coach to broaden the guidance you're receiving to heal and grow
- Bonus lifetime access to the Reveal & Rise Online Course including videos, audios, PDF downloads and implementation exercises so that you know how to take what you’re learning and implement it into your life (currently 16+ hours of content)
- Bonus lifetime access to workshop replays where you'll dive deeper in 9+ specific topics on demand so that you can deepen your knowledge and skills where you need it most (it's the Netflix for your inner work!)
- Bonus lifetime access to guest coach appearances to soak up the wisdom of 6+ expert coaches in the space of women's hormones (peri menopause & menopause), breathwork, naturopathy, confidence speaking, self pleasure, and Instagram for business so that you can supplement Gemma’s coaching advice with that of other experts, without having to spread your time and money across multiple courses!
- Daily sisterhood community with women who ‘get you’ so that you’re immediately understood (making loneliness & isolation a thing of the past)
That’s 3 types of 1:1 individualised coaching every single week
PLUS lifetime access to over 30+ hours of content & practical tools
(which continues to grow!)
The investment to join us..
4 x monthly payments of
$924 AUD
One-time payment of
$3,499 AUD
Enrolments are open!
Access a FREE 1:1 Clarity Call with Gemma once you've completed your application.
On this call Gemma will answer your questions, learn more about your individual needs from coaching, and provide honest feedback of whether Reveal & Rise is a great match for you.
*Spaces are limited to 30 women and are allocated on a first in best dressed basis.*
Hiiii lady love, I’m Gemma!
I'm a Master Coach in my 7th year of guiding people-pleasing, perfectionist and overwhelmed women to discover calm and confidence in both their mind and body.
I lead women to pinpoint the exact subconscious patterns that are automating a stress response in their nervous system so that their inner work actually starts working for them!
In addition to my extensive training, my coaching is heavily informed from my lived experience of using the mind-body connection to heal 23 years of panic attacks, anxiety, depression, PCOS, painful periods, constipation, SIBO, and severe chronic fatigue syndrome.
I am a specialist on the topics of self sabotage & resistance, emotional intelligence, connection based communication and setting boundaries that stick.
By far my favourite part of my work is getting to watch women realise that their mind, body and soul are not broken - they are speaking to her, and that when she learns how to listen, she finally understand that SHE IS HER OWN ANSWER!
It never gets old and still moves me to tears.

Enrolments are open
As soon as you join, you’ll receive immediate access to just enough content to get you organised and grounded, along with the entire first module that introduces you to the first practical tool that has helped me navigate every single uncomfortable emotion and uncertain time in my life.

Client spaces filling now
Module 1: Self Empowerment [Mastering Your Queen Energy]
First, we’ll clarify the exact facts of your current reality that are hard to look at (the ones you’d rather ignore by sweeping under the rug). This is where the loving yet bullsh*t free coaching begins... and it's integral. In this module you're empowered with practical strategies to let go of judging and blaming yourself (and others), conclusive & catastrophising thought spirals, and feeling as though your dreams aren't possible. Say goodbye to victim-town and hello to your powerful Queen energy.
Module 2: Understanding Resistance [Your Missing Puzzle Pieces]
If you really understood why you were 'sabotaging' or what was holding you back, you wouldn’t be stuck. It’s a hard but essential truth to acknowledge. Once we're real with this fact, we can move forwards and change it. In this module I teach you the repeatable skill of pinpointing the precise subconscious patterns creating your resistance against what you want most. Precision is important, so that you can be sure the strategy you're using is actually the right solution for the problem, and you don't waste your precious time and energy.
Module 3: Becoming Emotionally Aware [The Fully Expressed Woman]
It doesn't matter how great your affirmations or reframes are, you can't "convince" yourself out of painful emotions. When you bypass your emotions and create a backlog in the body, dis-ease, dis-function and dis-harmony will fester - it's only a matter of time! In this module, you'll learn how painful emotions are actually intelligent communicators, asking you to pay loving attention to something that is deeply important to the real you. You'll discover how to find that intelligent message, reparent your inner child, dance intuitively, express emotions safely and fully (like anger and sadness), plus more!
Module 4: Uncovering Your Values [The Heartbeat to Your Life]
Who am I? What does the real me want from life? How do I make clear choices with confidence? Where do I begin building new relationships? How do I know if this or that is right for me?
All of these questions have stable and consistent answers when you know your values, and whether you're currently aspiring, transitioning or have actualised them. In this module you get crystal clear on what is of highest importance to you in each of the 6 key areas of life so that you have a trustworthy template to return to and authentically create your life from
Module 5: SMART Outcomes & Manifestation Statements [Declaring Your Vision]
Next you'll build upon the 'aha' moments and confidence gained from uncovering your values and use them to strategically inform the goals and outcomes that are most meaningful and true to you. You'll do this in all 6 key areas of life. In this module you'll learn about the power of the subconscious mind, manifestation exercises, and receive a template that supports you take a holistic approach to your personal growth, instead of attaching your identity to a role (like partner, parent, career woman or wellness warrior)
Module 6: Communication & Boundaries [Hard & Honest Conversations]
The opposite of people pleasing and self sacrifice is using your voice to speak your truth. It's hard, and it's the only way forwards if you're really going to show up as the real you. In this module you receive multiple frameworks to prepare for honest conversations and avoid unnecessary conflict. You'll learn how to use desire focused language and confidently communicate on vulnerable topics (empowering your loved ones to understand and respect you along the way), as well as what to do when someone has zero interest in respecting what's best for you.
Module 7: Making Sense of Growth [The ‘Aha’ Moment]
The biggest hurdle you'll come up against as you create new habits and reveal more of your real self, is that your nervous system will kick into the sympathetic response of fight / flight / flee / fawn, and limiting neurological thought patterns become really loud. Both are a protective mechanism as you step into the uncertain and unknown that is change. In this module, you'll clarify and calm this overwhelm as I help you make logical sense of your inner world (as well as the confronting reactions you might be receiving from others in response to your new choices)